Learn German With German Lessons
Each lesson centers around a practical, real-life conversation. The conversation is first listened to at natural native speed and then repeated with an English translation.
New German vocabulary is presented in a way that makes it easy to remember. It’s grouped into themes that make sense in a language context and repeated in intervals to help lock the vocabulary into memory.
When learning German, it’s important to understand grammar and how it works. This is because, unlike vocabulary, which can be learned through memorization, grammar rules create the framework that sentences are built upon.
Grammar is often one of the most difficult aspects of German for non-native speakers. There are a few areas that tend to trip learners up the most, such as noun gender and case systems. Luckily, there are language learning apps that make it easier to handle these concepts.
For instance, apps such as Anki and Clozemaster use spaced repetition to help users master German conjugation. They also include curated lessons that focus on specific grammar points, which can make it easy for beginner and lower intermediate students to build a strong foundation in this area. Moreover, using these apps allows users to learn in an interactive way that mimics how native German speakers actually speak, which is crucial for natural fluency. This can help learners avoid the “grammar monitor” effect that can occur when speaking in a foreign language and prevent them from relying too heavily on rules to form sentences.
As with any foreign language, vocabulary is key to being able to speak it. Learning the most common words will help you start a conversation and learn more as you progress.
A tried-and-true way to increase your German vocabulary is by creating a vocabulary book with new words and their English translations on paper. This helps you commit them to memory through repetition and tactile learning. Another option is using a spaced repetition app that presents you with German vocabulary words at regular intervals so that they don’t slip out of your mind.
It’s also helpful to know a few German idioms, which are phrases that have a figurative meaning instead of a literal one. This can make conversations a bit more natural and fun. It can be tricky to memorize these idioms, so try studying them in pairs with their English counterparts to make it easier.
Reading in German is just as important as speaking it, and a strong reading comprehension skill helps learners hone their spelling, grammar and vocabulary. In addition, reading is a great way to immerse yourself in the language and learn about its traditions, history and contemporary life.
Start with easy articles and simple conversations, and build up to more difficult texts that focus on hobbies and interests like work, movies and music. These interactive essays are ideal for beginners, and include helpful cultural tips and interactive exercises.
It can be intimidating to read in a foreign language, especially when encountering unfamiliar words. To help students overcome this, encourage them to re-read the article, focusing on vocabulary that is essential to understanding the text. They can also re-read the text with a dictionary, but be sure to point out that it is important not to dwell on every unknown word. Instead, reassure them that they will become more familiar with German pronunciation as they continue to practice.
Unlike reading and writing, listening doesn’t seem like such hard work at first—especially if you choose materials that fit into your day-to-day routine. German learners often learn through osmosis, picking up new vocabulary and grammar through simply being exposed to the language. That’s why it’s important to have a variety of German audio lessons on hand, whether you listen to your lesson on a podcast or watch it on TV.
Pimsleur is a great option for beginners who want to listen on the go! The program’s short lessons are slow-spoken and repeat new words frequently to help you understand. It also tests your listening comprehension with 5-7 questions after each text.
Deutschlernerblog is another good resource that has multiple exercises for every level, including listening comprehension. It features a series of children’s stories told in slowly-spoken German. It’s a fun way to connect new words with their meanings and improve your German while enjoying a fun video!